Tuesday 9 April 2019

Thursday 20 September 2018

how to take a screenshot

today we learnt how to take a screenshot and send a email to 3 adults like Mr.k Mrs Torrie matua Raniera and parents.

how to take a screenshot

<img src="https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/e/2PACX-1vSZmZPafpMDNhf3po1Pibm1uroId_qfjcBmKEzLnYzHTluhx4G5hfgHymOYEChzf_vSqXtXHYP_gJPN/pub?w=480&amp;h=360">

Thursday 13 September 2018


we were learning to use owe canvas and put it into owe  | whakaahua Kūkara and owe inquiry folder and it was so so easy to do the background and to do owe speech bubbles and the tittle.

Thursday 6 September 2018


We were learning how to put our cybersmart characters things in our bloggers.

I really enjoyed working in a team and working with my best friend.

I found it hard  nothing .

It was easy to finish it and work as a team.

Next time I need to help my friend and do mywork.

Thursday 2 August 2018

Kaiti Hill

Kaiti Hill

The walk up kaiti hill it was so extremely hot on the tiering hill.

Me and my friends played a game called ‘Questions’ with Matua Shane on Kaiti Hill

Matua Shane told as the maori name for Kaiti Hill - It’s name is Titirangi.

I felt like I never have before!

Hine Kihawai

Hine Kihawai
On Wednesday the 1st of August at 9.30am to 10.30am we watched a roleplay about a maori story for an experience.

When it first started I felt happy and excited.

I really loved their singing, although I couldn't hear them properly cause there was other people talking and not being respectful.

The story was about a brother and sister, Tama and Baba.
Tama and Baba went up the mountain. Tama and Baba went to the top of the mountain.
Tama ate a tapu fruit.
Then when they got back, Tama was being arrogant.  

It was sad when Tama pushed Baba onto the road.

It was sad because she got hit by a car and she died. Tama was crying, he felt heart broken.

I felt sad too, but I also felt excited to see the show. I was so happy that we got to watch this amazing show.